SAWYER - Holistic approach for the identification of Skills and sAfety needs towards a groWing sustainability & circularitY of furniturE sectoR

Timespan: 2019 - 2021
European Commission call: Support for Social Dialogue VP/2018/001
Website: https://circularfurniture-sawyer.eu/
The overall SAWYER objective was to understand and forecast
how the EU furniture sector will be affected by its circular
economy transition and provide useful insights to all sector
social partners and stakeholders on how the sector, its business
models and its workers will be affected by this transition along
its whole value chain by 2030. Along the project implementation,
partners saw that this circularity transition was closely related
to sector digitalization and decided to build the analysis on
the existing results of the previous DIGIT-FUR project.
In conclusion, the key result of the SAWYER project is a forecast
of the impact of the Twin Transition (green & digital) on the EU
Furniture Sector, in relation to the sector business
models, VET provision and OHS risks and specifically on eleven
key occupational profiles.
SAWYER specific objectives were:
Understanding the current status and trends in the EU Furniture sector of circular economy legislative & voluntary instruments.
Defining the future possible sector scenario in 2030 due to its circular economy transition.
Identify the impacts of this scenario on sector key occupational profiles tasks, OHS risks and skills & knowledge needs.
Forecast what sector stakeholders can expect because of these changes and how to deal with them.
Support the work of the European Social Dialogue and improve European industrial relations.
Map successful initiatives to support stakeholders in circular economy implementation processes.