EFIC co-signs joint letter calling for a product group specific approach to the Ecodesign’s first Working Plan
February 2025 - In view of the finalisation of the first Ecodesign Working Plan, industry associations ranging from branded goods to furniture recommend that the European Commission takes a vertical approach by focusing on rules set on a product group basis. This is in line with the previous Ecodesign Directive’s framework. As sustainability impacts vary across product categories, ecodesign requirements should be tailored to the unique characteristics of each product group and value-chain. This is in line with the Commission’s impact assessment and Executive Vice-President Stéphane Séjourné’s plan to base industrial policy on a sector-by sector approach.

EFIC position on the Single Market Strategy 2025
January 2025 - The European Furniture Industries Confederation (EFIC) welcomes the opportunity to provide comments to the public consultation on the Single Market Strategy for 2025. We are a creative, versatile and dynamic sector, composed mainly by SMEs and microenterprises. Our industry is part of a complex value chain, with a broad range of designs, products and materials. The EU’s prosperity is based on an internally competitive, well-functioning and resilient Single Market. Thus, a single market approach is essential to make Europe a competitive place for growth and investments.
EFIC recommendations for Harmonised Extended Producer Responsibility schemes for furniture across the EU
January 2025 - For the circular economy to work, harmonised rules will be needed at EU level, preventing a patchwork of national divergent requirements. While the ESPR can drive a circular economy forward, it focuses on product design (performance and information requirements). Hence, a holistic approach is recommended and a combination of tools allowing scalability of solutions to fully close the loop and enable a real transition to a more circular economy in our sector. One of such solutions are harmonised Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes across the EU.

EFIC co-signs Joint Statement calling on EU leaders for clearer, more consistent product regulation across the EU Single Market
November 2024 - EFIC and other European industries issued a joint statement calling on EU leaders for clearer, more consistent product regulation across the EU Single Market. For European industry to thrive, legislation must be simple to understand, easy to enforce, and uniformly applied across the Single Market. This will empower businesses to focus on innovation and delivering top-quality products for all European consumers.

EFIC co-signs Joint Statement on effective enforcement rules for online marketplaces
September 2024 - EFIC co-signed a Joint Statement for fair regulations for online marketplaces in the EU and effective enforcement of rules. We have joined forces with 58 other organisations to express concerns about the lack of accountability for some of these platforms, leading to non-compliant products entering the market, compromising consumer safety and environmental standards.
EFIC co-signs European Joint Industry Manifesto
April 2024 - EFIC co-signed a European Joint Industry Manifesto alongside 85 European and national industry associations. We have joined forces to make a united call to prevent the risk of de-industrialisation on our continent by relaunching Europe’s competitiveness.

EFIC co-signs Joint Statement on skills needs in the Woodworking and Furniture sectors
March 2024 - As European Social Partners and in the context of the European Year of Skills, EFIC, CEI-Bois and EFBWW co-signed a joint position paper addressing skills needs in the woodworking and furniture sectors. Europe’s woodworking and furniture industries employ over 2 million people in more than 300,000 businesses, the majority of which are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Labour shortages is however a common challenge in both industries.
We provide recommendations to be tackled at EU level, at national and government level, as well as at company level and by training providers.
EFIC co-signs Joint Statement on EUDR
March 2024 - EFIC co-signed a joint statement on the EUDR implementation, together with other associations representing the European Woodworking Industries. We urge EU institutions to delay the entry into application of the EUDR for the operators and traders, to amend the EUDR in order to eliminate unnecessary bureaucratic hurdles and to provide actors with sufficient time to adapt for full and adequate compliance.

EFIC co-signs Joint Statement on the Green Claims Directive
January 2024 - Twelve organisations, including EFIC, co-signed a Joint Statement on the Green Claims Directive. Given that consumers can only make more sustainable choices if they have access to reliable, comparable, and verifiable information, it is crucial to ensure that claims made by traders are backed by sufficient evidence while products deliver the environmental benefits that they claim to have. It is also necessary to ensure consistency of the Directive with relevant EU legislation, in order to avoid legislative overlaps.
EFIC co-signs Joint Statement on EU Single Market and Sustainability in the PPWR
December 2023 - Alongside more than 100 organisations, EFIC co-signed a joint industry statement on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation in view of the Council General Approach. Serious concerns remain as to the ability of the Regulation to deliver on its intended goal of greater harmonisation of packaging sustainability rules across the EU. We urge EU Member States to align with the Parliament on key issues where possible, and to uphold Single Market principles.

EFIC co-signs Joint Statement on High-Quality Recycling in the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation proposal
November 2023 - Fibre Packaging Europe (FPE), the Federation of Wooden Pallets and Packaging Manufacturers (FEFPEB), the European Confederation of Woodworking Industries (CEI Bois), GROW International, the European Panel Federation (EPF), and the European Furniture Industries Confederation (EFIC) share recommendations regarding the ENVI Committee Report adopted on 24 October on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), specifically relating to the definitions of ‘high-quality recycling’ and ‘recyclability’
EFIC Position Paper on the European Commission proposal for a Directive on Green Claims
July 2023 - The European Furniture Industries Confederation (EFIC) welcomes the opportunity to provide comments to the ongoing consultation on the Proposal for a Directive on substantiation and communication of explicit environmental claims (Green Claims Directive). The Furniture sector is in favour of actions to protect the market from greenwashing and advocates for harmonized rules at EU level.

EFIC Position Paper on the consultation on new product priorities under the ESPR & JRC Report
May 2023 - EFIC welcomes the possibility to provide the views of the furniture industry on the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) public consultation on new product priorities under the ESPR and JRC Report. Furniture is well suited for a circular economy and there is potential to drive it further in the industry, but the specificities of the industries should be considered. EFIC experts will be glad to assist and provide sector-specific expertise in all stages.
EU associations launch coalition for a more competitive and ambitious EU bioeconomy
EFIC is pleased to be part of the cross-sectoral coalition ‘Circular Choices’ whose aim is to present EU policymakers with an ambitious common vision ahead of 2030 and, going beyond, one leading to a transition towards a circular bioeconomy. The coalition includes 14 associations representing providers of high-quality wood-based products, fibre-based paper and board products and packaging, and renewable energy solutions, supported by EU forest owners and managers.

Joint statement: Digital Transformation: Industry calls on EU legislators to respect principles of the New Legislative Framework in the AI Act Parliament
EFIC, together with several other industry organisations, urges the EU institutions and Member States to ensure consistency within the NLF terminology. If overregulation and misalignment are not addressed, the resulting regulatory uncertainty may adversely impact the access of European citizens to safe and high-quality goods.
Joint statement: Considerations of the European forest-based industries on the proposal for a regulation on deforestation and forest degradation adopted by the European Parliament
EFIC co signed a joint paper issued by the European forest-based industries sharing considerations on the proposal for a regulation on deforestation-free value chains adopted by the the Plenary of the European Parliament on the 13 September 2022
European Furniture Industries Confederation position on the Commission proposal for an Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation
The European furniture industry is following closely Green Deal initiatives aimed at making circular economy the norm, such as the Sustainable Products Initiative (SPI). As such, building on the EFIC position on the SPI of June 2021, we welcome the possibility to provide our views on the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) proposal.
Call of the European forest-based industries on the proposal for a regulation on minimising the risk of deforestation and forest degradation associated with products placed on the EU market
EFIC co signed a joint paper with the European forest-based industries to share some considerations on the proposal for a regulation on deforestation-free value chains.
EFIC position paper on Spanish Draft Packaging and Packaging Waste Decree (Notification in TRIS database 2022/325/E)
EFIC submitted a response to the TRIS notification of Spain Draft Packaging and Packaging Waste Decree, stressing the urgency for the Commission to regulate the issue and for National government to work on EU rules rather than National ones, especially in view of the upcoming revision of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (PPWD).
EFIC co-signs joint Industry Letter calling for harmonised packaging waste sorting requirements in the EU, ensuring the protection of the Single Market
The European Furniture Industries Confederation (EFIC) co-signed a joint industry letter led by Europen (the European Organisation for Packaging and the Environment) to call on the European Commission to create one single circular economy, not 27 separate ones, underpinned by an integrated Single Market. Cooperation rather than unilateral and uncoordinated national action surely represents the best way forward.
Statement of the European forest-based Industries on the draft ENVI Report on the Deforestation Regulation
EFIC co-signed a statement together with European forest-based Industries on the draft ENVI Report on the proposal for a regulation on minimising the risk of deforestation and forest degradation associated with products placed on the EU market . In parlicular, the European forest-based industries shared some considerations on the draft report of MEP Hansen on the Regulation on deforestation-free value chains.
EFIC co-signs joint position paper ''Establishing an EU harmonised system to provide consumers with understandable and clear sorting instruction for packaging waste''
The European Furniture Industries Confederation (EFIC) co-signed a cross-industry position paper led by Europen (the European Organisation for Packaging and the Environment) to support an EU harmonised scheme for consumer sorting instructions on packaging, in view of the upcoming revision of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive.
EFIC co-signs joint industry statement: Priorities for the Machinery Products Regulation
The European Furniture Industries Confederation (EFIC) co-signed an industry statement on priorities for the Machinery Products Regulation to:
Welcome the alignment with the New Legislative Framework (NLF) and coherence with other legislation.
Reject the introduction of mandatory third-party conformity assessment.
Warn against undermining the consensus-based standardisation approach.
Stress the importance of respecting the NLF principle of technology-neutral legislation.
Request a clear transition period.
EFIC input on the European Commission’s stakeholder consultation on the Trade and Technology Council & Transatlantic Green Trade Agenda
The European Furniture Industries Confederation (EFIC) welcomes the opportunity to provide input on priority areas in the field of EU-US regulatory cooperation (including standards, conformity assessment, compatible regulatory approaches) that can be beneficial to the EU-US trade relations, notably in the area of green/sustainable trade flows, for discussion and convergence in the EU-US Trade and Technology Council. Cooperation areas to be prioritised: (a) Sustainability and standardisation (b) Digitalisation and protection of Intellectual and (c) Property Rights.
EFIC position paper on the Portuguese Draft Decree-Law (Notification in TRIS database: 2021/118/P)
The European furniture industries encourage the European Commission to present a detailed opinion in response to the notification in TRIS database 2021/118/P and Portugal to work towards a European approach as opposed to national rules which will bring barriers to the Single Market as for the collection, reuse, recovery and recycling of packaging waste.
Sustainable Products Initiative:
Position paper accompanying input of the European furniture industries to open public consultation
The European furniture industries embrace EU circularity objectives and welcome the opportunity to provide comments on the open public consultation feeding into the upcoming Sustainable Products Initiative (SPI), building on the views of the industry provided to the roadmap consultation in November 2020.
EFIC position paper on the Sustainable Products Initiative in view of upcoming proposal for a Directive (input to roadmap consultation)
The European furniture industries welcome initiatives to make sustainable products the norm in Europe and are already transitioning to and promoting circular business models based on reuse, repair, refurbishment and remanufacturing of products. In view of the upcoming sustainable products initiative, EFIC urges EU policymakers to take a holistic approach to ensure a harmonised regulatory framework, to consider the complexity of furniture products and to rely on standardisation bodies and industry expertise in the process.
EFIC feedback to TRIS notification 2020/410/F (France) - Decree on consumer information symbols indicating the sorting rule for waste resulting from products subject to the principle of extended producer responsibility
The European Furniture industries strongly support harmonised circular economy rules at EU level. Certain initiatives at national level have the potential to fragment the single market, such as the reinforcement of the TRIMAN sorting logo in the framework of the French anti-waste legislation “Loi n° 2020-105 du 10 février 2020 relative à la lutte contre le gaspillage et à l'économie circulaire”. EFIC has provided comments on the notified draft act concerning the TRIMAN sorting logo (TRIS notification 2020/410/F).
Brexit potentially exacerbating barrier to furniture trade in Europe due to UK furniture flammability requirements
In view of the ongoing negotiations between the European Union and the United Kingdom (UK) for an ambitious partnership agreement, the European Furniture industries call on the European Commission to:
- Aim at a deep and comprehensive free trade agreement with the UK seeking the closest convergence possible with EU rules;
- Ensure that the current barriers to trade deriving from the applicable furniture flammability requirements in the UK are not exacerbated after the transition period comes to an end;
- Ensure that after the transition period UK furniture manufacturers placing furniture on the EU market comply with the flammability requirements in place in the Member State of destination.
EFIC feedback to the Roadmap consultation: Intellectual Property Action Plan
The competitiveness of the European furniture industries strongly depends on the protection of products with high intangible contents, such us brands, patents, design and copyright as effective tools against counterfeiting. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) infringements constitute a major harm for both the industry and the economy at large, as they jeopardise the benefits of innovation and creativity.
In its reply to the Roadmap consultation on the IP Action Plan EFIC addresses:
- IP and Industry Policy
- Fragmented IP system in the EU
- Better enforcement of IPR and global level playing field
Joint paper on the French “Loi n° 2020-105 du 10 février 2020 relative à la lutte contre le gaspillage et à l'économie circulaire” and the corresponding enabling ‘décrets’ or ‘arrêté’
EFIC co-signed a joint industry paper coordinated by Amcham on the French legislation on Circular Economy of 10 February 2020 (Loi n° 2020-105 du 10 février 2020 relative à la lutte contre le gaspillage et à l'économie circulaire). We believe that a harmonisation of Circular Economy rules is needed at European level to avoid the fragmentation of the internal market.
EFIC feedback to the Roadmap consultation: EU trade & investment policy review
The European furniture industries welcome the initiative of the European Commission to review the EU’s trade and investment policy and the opportunity to share views on the process. The European furniture industries are strongly oriented towards international trade, which must be open and rules-based. In its reply to the Roadmap consultation on EU Trade and investment policy review, EFIC addresses the following points:
- Regulatory cooperation
- Covid-19 impact and creating resilience
- World Trade Organisation
- Enhancing market access
- Custom control to fight illegitimate trade
- Enhanced cooperation with main partners
- Industrial policy & trade
-Trade supporting the green and digital transition
- Trade and the digital revolution
EFIC feedback to the Roadmap consultation on
Chemical strategy for sustainability
The European furniture industries welcome initiatives to move towards a zero-pollution ambition for a toxic-free environment, helping to better protect citizens (workers, consumers) and the environment against hazardous chemicals and complementing efforts in the context of the Green Deal and Circular Economy.
In its feedback to the Roadmap consultation on Chemical Strategy for sustainability, EFIC particularly stresses the importance of:
- Eliminating toxic substances from design phase;
- Taking a holistic approach on circular economy & resource efficiency vs. chemical content;
- Tracing chemicals;
- Evaluating efficacy and safety of chemicals;
- Ensuring a level playing field and equal treatment / market surveillance;
- Considering the case for flame retardant free furniture.
EFIC Position Paper on the revision of the Machinery Directive
In view of the ongoing revision of the Machinery Directive (Directive 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2006), EFIC encourages the European Commission to:
- Introduce a clarification of the Guide to the application of the Machinery Directive specifying that electrically operated furniture remains subject to the Machinery Directive.
- Consider introducing or adapting current provisions of the text to cover aspects related to second-hand products placed on the EU market, such as product safety and liability.
EFIC Position Papers on ongoing negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement with Australia and New Zealand
The European Commission is currently negotiating two Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with Australia and New Zealand, which are important export destinations for furniture producers in Europe.
With these position papers, EFIC calls for the liberalisation of furniture products under the future FTAs.
EFIC feedback to the roadmap consultation on the Customs Union Action Plan
The European Furniture industries are strongly oriented towards international trade. However, they face challenges due to the rising imports of non-compliant products from third countries.
EFIC stresses the importance of:
- Custom control effectiveness and risk analysis to fight illegitimate trade and ensure that safe and compliant products enter the EU market;
- Protection of Intellectual Property Rights;
- Proof of environmental responsibility from third country producers placing products on the EU market.
Position paper: The Furniture sector and Circular Economy 2.0
The European Furniture Industries Confederation welcomes the New Circular Economy Action Plan published by the European Commission on 11 March 2020, strongly supports circularity ambitions and is ready to be involved in making circular economy - a key enabler of the EU’s climate and environmental goals - a reality.
Much remains to be determined in the path to circularity. This paper provides recommendations on the need for harmonised Circular Economy rules at EU level (including definitions and a harmonised EPR scheme for furniture) and for a step-by-step and value chain approach. The paper also deep dives into different phases of furniture lifecycle, from production to consumption and waste management.

Position paper "Unwanted Toxic Flame Retardants preventing circularity and increasing fire toxicity"
The European Furniture Industries, part of the Alliance for Flame Retardant Free Furniture, is strongly committed to end the use of flame retardants in furniture products and to raise awareness about their toxicity.
With this Position paper, EFIC welcomes the New Circular Economy Action Plan and calls on the EU institutions to address the unnecessary and unwanted use of chemicals which prevent circularity and climate goals, such as toxic flame retardants in furniture, which endanger at the same time people’s and firefighters’ health, as they migrate out of products and may lead to an increase in fire toxicity.
EFIC position paper on Draft budget act of the Indian Government raising customs duties for furniture
EFIC position paper on the Indian draft budget proposal for the fiscal year 2020-2021 raises concern about the impact of the proposal on the European Furniture sector and calls for reinforced talks between the EU Commission and the Indian authorities and for tighter collaboration between the Indian Government and industry players.
EFIC feedback on the Roadmap on new Circular Economy Action Plan
EFIC inputs on the Roadmap on new Circular Economy Action Plan focus on harmonisation, limits to EU regulatory action, need for clear definitions and realistic transition phase, support for companies, dialogue with stakeholders, value chain, production, consumption & waste management phase.
Forest-Based Industries Vision 2050
Vision 2050 foresees the contribution of the Forest-based industries (F-BI) to a climate neutral, Clean Planet for All by 2050, aiming at becoming the most competitive and sustainable provider of net-zero carbon solutions.

Policy paper "Safe Fire Safety for everyone"
The European Furniture Industries, part of the Alliance for Flame Retardant Free Furniture, is strongly committed to end the use of flame retardants in furniture products and to raise awareness about their toxicity.
With this Policy paper, EFIC stresses that a Safe Fire Safety is possible, that many modern alternatives to the use of Flame Retardants exist and that the removal of toxic flame retardants is needed to protect consumers, the environment and to support a real Circular Economy.

EFIC Position Paper on Draft Decision of the Greek Ministry of Economy and Development on "Marketing conditions for children's furniture for sleeping and relevant accompanying equipment"
Further to the notification of the Draft Decision by the Greek authorities in the European Commission’s TRIS database, EFIC highlights conflicts between the notification and the EU and ISO rules for conformity assessment and incorrect and obsolete norm references, leading to legal uncertainty and technical issues.
The Furniture Industry and the Circular Economy
The European furniture industry welcomes the European Commission’s initiative aimed at promoting and implementing an ambitious Circular Economy Strategy. The furniture sector is ready to be involved and EFIC wishes to contribute in the process of supporting furniture companies to make this change happen. This Policy Paper is a contribution that aims at explaining the challenges and opportunities that the European furniture industries see in the EU ambitious plan for changing the shape of our economy.

How to close the cycle? EFIC views on the Interface between Chemicals, Products and Waste
EFIC is glad to publish its position towards the European Commission initiative under the Circular Economy Action Plan: Analysis of the interface between chemicals, products and waste legislation and identification of policy options – Roadmap and public consultation.
Mutual Recognition Regulation – Trade in Europe
The Single Market for Goods is one of the EU’s greatest achievements, as well as one of its most important and continuing priorities. The principle of mutual recognition ensures that all products can circulate freely in the EU without the need to adapt to specific National requirements, even in areas lacking of Union harmonization legislation, such as furniture products. The European Commission has presented on 19 December 2017 a “Goods package”, composed of two legislative proposals: 1) New Mutual Recognition Regulation; 2) Regulation on Compliance and Enforcement of EU product legislation. In this paper, EFIC shares its experience and comments on the first proposal.

The Case for Flame Retardant Free Furniture
A variety of flammability standards for furniture exist in Europe. Some flammability requirements lead to the use of hazardous flame retardants chemicals without providing a demonstrated fire safety benefit. Flame retardants may cause serious harm to human health and the environment, they prevent the EU’s goal of a circular economy and impose a costly burden to furniture producers. The signatories of this paper share and stress the same concerns about the implications from the presence of harmful flame retardants chemicals (FRs) in furniture products. Increasing evidence shows that an EU-action in favour of flame retardant free furniture is necessary to ensure protection of human health and the environment, and promote competition and fire safety.
Industry4Europe – Joint declaration on an ambitious EU Industrial strategy
Together with +120 associations representing the European manufacturing industry, the European Furniture Industries Confederation (EFIC) has signed a joint declaration calling on the European Commission to support an ambitious EU industrial strategy. The European manufacturing industry, representing a diverse range of sectors, call on the European Commission to:
reaffirm its commitment to reaching the target of 20% of GDP from industry, with an ambitious and realistic timeline;
adopt an Action Plan to tackle the challenges that the industrial sectors are facing, in the framework of a Communication that would include concrete steps and milestones; and
commit to implement this Action Plan in a timely manner and regularly report on progress.

EFIC 2020 – a strategy for a strong and united European Furniture Industry
In 2016, EFIC celebrated its 10th Anniversary of activities in Brussels. It was also an opportunity to rethink about its role and launch the EFIC 2020 strategy. From 2017 onwards, National associations and single members can be members of EFIC. Partners are also welcome to join the EFIC group. Have a look at our brochure and do not hesitate to contact EFIC Secretariat for further information.
Market Access - EFIC joint statement on new Chinese furniture standards with EBIA and EuroCommerce
on 31 January 2017, EFIC has signed a joint statement with the European Bedding Industries Association (EBIA) and European organisation representing the retail and wholesale sector (EuroCommerce) on new Chinese furniture standards, respectively TBT notification CHN 1094, 1095, and 1096. The signatories stress their concerns on the set requirements and call the Chinese authorities to maintain CHN 1094-1095-1096 voluntary and to recognize equivalent international standards. Read the full version of the joint-statement here.