Digit-FUR - Impacts of the Digital Transformation in the Wood Furniture Industry

Timespan: 2017 - 2019
European Commission call: Support for Social Dialogue VP/2016/001
Website: https://digit-fur.eu/
The overall DIGIT-FUR objective was to present a clear forecast
useful to all EU Furniture sector social partners and stakeholders of how the sector and its workers will be affected by the
impact of the digital transformation along its whole value chain
in 2025. This better understanding will facilitate anticipating the
changes required to keep and improve the workers competencies
and safety at work, and secure companies’ competitiveness
during next years or even decades. The specific objectives were:
Understanding which was the existing structural
situation of the European Furniture sector. -
Defining the future possible sector scenario
in 2025 due to its digitization. -
Identify the impact on sector occupations tasks,
OHS risks and skills & knowledge needs. -
What to expect because of these changes
and how to deal with them. -
Support the work of the European social dialogue
and improve EU industrial relations. -
Map successful EU initiatives supporting the industry digitization.