The European Union includes intelligent safeguards to avoid market distortions in RED II, whilst raising targets for Renewable Energy Sources.
The addition of new text to ensure that national policies should be designed with due regard to the waste hierarchy and should aim to avoid undue distortive effects on the raw material markets is particularly celebrated. So too are the increased links between renewable energy and the Circular Economy, and references to separate waste collection.“Wood-based panels and furniture are model examples of the Circular Economy. These are products that improve our daily lives, whilst embracing the “use, re-use, recycle” concept that advances resource efficiency for wood in Europe. At the end of their material life, they may still become a renewable energy source. We are pleased that the European Union has taken steps to help support this virtuous circle, and urge Member States to now build on this.” So commented Dott. Paolo Fantoni, Chairman of EPF today.