CirCLER - Circular Economy Transition Manager: guiding companies of the furniture value chain to deploy their transition strategy for a more circular economy
Timespan: 2024 - 2027
European Commission call: Erasmus + - ERASMUS-EDU-2023-PI-ALL-INNO
Latest Activities
AMBIT - Living Spaces Cluster
AMUEBLA - Innovation Cluster for Furniture Manufacturers of Murcia Region
ASLAM - Aslam Cooperativa Sociale
ATU - Atlantic Technological University
CETEM - Asociacion Empresarial De Investigacion Centro Tecnologico Del Mueble Y La Madera De La Region De Murcia
CPI - Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training
CSM - Centro Sperimentale Del Mobile E Dell Arredamento Srl
EFIC - European Furniture Industries Confederation
FLA - Federazione Italiana Delle Industrie Del Legno Del Sughero Del Mobile Dell'illuminazione E Dell' Arredamento
FORZA - Agency for Sustainable Development of the Carpathian Region Nonprofit Organization
FURV - Fundacio Universitat Rovira I Virgili
KIT - Karlsruher Institut Fuer Technologie
METODO - Estudios Consultores Sl
POLIMI - Politecnico di Milano
UNFU - Ukrainian National Forestry University
UTBV - Universitatea Transilvania Din Brasov
UVA - Vaasan University
Launched on 1 February 2024, the CirCLER project - Circular Economy Transition Manager: guiding companies of the furniture value chain to deploy their transition strategy for a more circular economy, is co-funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ programme and will last 3 years.
The primary objective of the CirCLER project is to define the professional figure of the Circular Economy Transition Manager for the wood and furniture industry and the necessary training, i.e. the set of skills expected by companies for this emerging role. The project also aims to facilitate and guide the furniture industry's transition towards a circular and sustainable economic paradigm. In accordance with the European Commission's priorities, the ecological transition must increasingly involve companies and workers in the sector.
CirCLER aims to innovate - with the help of a multimedia and multilingual online pathway - the training offer addressed to the wood-furniture sector and to improve the skills of workers in the sector by providing adequate knowledge and tools.
The project aims to involve institutional and entrepreneurial stakeholders together with representatives of schools and training centres in the sector in a permanent dialogue in order to meet the challenges posed by the market through a new approach to the circular economy along the entire value chain, bridging the skills gap in the sector.
Strategic objectives include developing new skills, promoting corporate social responsibility, encouraging entrepreneurial initiatives and increasing the quality of skills.